Web Development

This is a tutorial hosted as a part of Technical Summer School IIT Bombay, 2019.

This course aims to introduce the student to the world of web development, by introducing them to the latest techniques used to build a full website. After taking this course the student will be capable to deploy a full-fledged website in the real world.

Lecture 1 Networking basics and intro to HTML
Lecture 2 Basic web pages with HTML + CSS
Lecture 3 The Script tag and JavaScript
Lecture 4 Introduction to python and understanding dynamic content delivery
Lecture 5 Introduction to Django

PRE REQUISITE: Basic understanding of programming (cs101).

Lecture 1: 05 June, 2019

This lecture introduces you to the fundamentals of Networking. How the whole system of the Internet works. The seven layers of the OSI model are discussed. Also, basic som basic HTML coding is covered to give you a good start.


Demo HTML file

Lecture 2: 07 June, 2019

This lecture continues more on HTML tags and introduces CSS and how one can easily style HTML pages. In this lecture how one can bootstrap their site is also taught.


Tables HTML file Styled Table HTML file

This is a diagram how padding affects the block using CSS.

Lecture 3: 16 June, 2019

This lecture covers the basics of JavaScript, JQuery and JSON.


Lecture 4: 17 June, 2019

This lecture introduces you to the world of python, and dynamic HTML.


Lecture 5: 18 June, 2019

This lecture introduces you to Django, and will enable you to create a webserver of your own :).